Pse pothuajse të gjithë duhet të përdorin retinol?

Why should almost everyone use retinol?

Sep 19, 2022

People who have heard of retinol tend to fall into two categories: Those who are absolutely delighted with it, and those who are too scared to try it after hearing a lot of rumors about retinol. While it's true that the ingredient may irritate your skin at first, dermatologists agree that other alternatives pale in comparison to retinol's near-magical results. After all, retinol treats such a wide variety of skin problems that it's a wonder why everyone isn't using it.

What is Retinol?

Retinol is a type of natural over-the-counter retinoid, a skin care ingredient that converts to retinoic acid—an active form of vitamin A—in the skin. It has been consistently shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve tone and texture by increasing cell turnover and stimulating collagen production.

What does Retinol do?

A better question might be, "What doesn't retinol do?"

With regular use:
It prevents acne by making the skin less "sticky," which helps keep pores clear of debris and buildup, allows oil to drain from follicles, and stops inflammation.

It stimulates and accelerates cell turnover, which leads to cell renewal and brighter, smoother skin.

Stimulates collagen production to strengthen the skin and prevent sagging.

It reduces hyperpigmentation by exfoliating the skin's surface cells, thus removing the pigment. Retinol can also inhibit tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in pigment production.

What are the benefits of retinol?

Whether your biggest concerns are fine lines, dull complexion, blemishes or acne, retinol fights almost every battle to make your skin look its best. That said, the ingredient is particularly known for its anti-aging benefits.

"It's the gold standard for keeping skin young," says Dr. Magovern, going so far as to say it can reverse fine lines and wrinkles — or literally turn back time.

If you think Botox is the solution, think again: "Botox only works on the muscles, but you have to work on the skin as well," says Dr. Magovern. "I see patients in their 50s and 60s in my practice who have used retinol their entire lives and have no wrinkles in their skin."

Note that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises against the topical use of retinoids during pregnancy!

What is the difference between Retinol and Retinoid?

If these two terms confuse you, you're definitely not alone: Retinoid is an umbrella term for topical vitamin A-based products, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Retinol is a type of retinoid that can be bought without a prescription. (Retinyl palmitate and retinaldehyde are alternative over-the-counter ingredients you may also see on product labels. A close cousin is Retin-A, a synthetic prescription retinoid that acts like retinoic acid.)

If you happened to miss it during biochemistry class, all you need to know is that there are many names, types, and strengths of retinoids—and retinol is one of them.

Retinol side effects - and how to mitigate them.

If retinol is so effective, you're probably thinking, why isn't everyone using it? The answer is redness, itching and "peeling," sometimes referred to as the "retinization period," which can scare new users and lead to what Dr. Magovern calls it product abandonment.

Given the benefits of retinol and the fact that it is clearly an active ingredient, it's no wonder that the skin initially responds in protest. The good news is that you don't have to endure it: Just start slowly with a gentle formulation. "I often recommend starting two to three nights a week and increasing use as tolerated," says Dr. Magovern. "If used with a moisturizer and in the right amounts, you should be able to use it regularly."

Retinol formulations are constantly evolving and are often paired with healing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients to combat potential discomfort.
Once your skin adjusts to the retinol, get ready to glow! That's the sweet spot!

After retinizing, retinol can still make your skin sensitive to the sun, warns the American Dermatology Association. that's why you should use sunscreen every day.

At what age should you start using retinol?

We recommend starting to use retinol at age 25, when skin cell turnover starts to slow down.

To view all the retinol products that FANTASTIC LOOK has for you, click here.

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